February 18, 2007

RMBB v 6.0 Cross Bones Style Follow Up

The RMBB v6.0 occurred, unfortunately without all the talk of CatPower as was alluded to (but mad props to David J of Resurrection Song for having some Temple of the Dog playing in the background).

There's more discussion of the bash (as well as links to others talking about it, & even links to some pics of said bash) so open the extended entry if you dare.

It started off at the Wynkoop Brewery & by 10:30'ish it had moved to Enotecas Trios which allowed those of us who partake in the demon tobacco to stay warm & un-snowed-upon whilst we chatted. I was among the last to leave & I believe it could safely be said that bloggers were around from 6:30 until 1:45 or so. I don't think I made it till around 8 so I only caught 5 hours of bash, which ain't bad considering that lowered my average to just over a dollar per hour for parking.

There were spirits, witty retorts, unwitty retorts (I was there after all), discussions involving the 2nd law of thermodynamics, imbibing zombies, a knife show-&-tell session (which was during a discussion of antique fighting blades heavy & light), free t-shirts being passed out (though I missed out on that somehow), discussions of some kind of hot new allegedly "sexy" blogging aid (which somehow I also missed out on), talk regarding an old predecessor to the "assault weapons" ban, snow, talk of snow, talk of more snow & yet more talk of more snow. Most of the regulars were there; Resurrection Song (of course since he was the beacon), Freedomsight, Wadcutter, Left Off Colfax, Mr. Green of Vodkapundit & Walter In Denver to name but a few. There were also a few newbies, including (but not limited to) the lovely representative from the Society for Creative Alcoholism (it'd had been far too long since I've caught up with her - though I think she now understands why I tried to talk her out of living in Denver proper), OverNine, Living Intuitively, & the lovely ladies from I Quit for Lijit (who were allegedly preaching the good news of the afore linked blogging tool called a wijit, whatever the hell that means).

For more details here are some bloggers who managed to fight off the hang-over fairy long enough to post about it:

The morning after the night before from Wheels Within Wheels (& I can back up his assessment of the most effective alarm clock known to man, though being the devout & dutiful can opener sucker that I am for cats I'm unfamiliar with this "feline dieting"concept.)

RMBB 6.0: The Morning After from World Wide Rant (who couldn't help getting all verbose about it)

Blogger Something from Creative Destruction (who claims to have spread vicious truths about the regulars to any newcomers that would listen)

There Weren’t any Hot Chicks Sitting on MY Lap! from Freedomsight (which isn't true but if he doesn't remember...)

Freedomsight has pics up in his post for anyone who wishes to see what it looked like. In my defense someone mentioned something about it being a knight to remember & we should Rome around but upon reflection I think I misunderstood.

Posted by Publicola at February 18, 2007 06:20 AM | TrackBack

Well, I get out of that whole can-opener thing (including it being the most attractive sound in the universe) because my cat will only eat dry food.

As for the "feline dieting" thing, Butch has outlived her companion, and she has this idea that a cat's ultimate purpose is to make herself into a deadly adversary. Since she was declawed when I acquired her, her only alternative is to become some sort of living bludgeon.

I just went, "Oof!" once to often after lying down on the couch to watch TV.

Posted by: wheels at February 19, 2007 02:30 PM

Sure, don't even mention me among the regulars

Or my Important Press Release

Posted by: Robin Roberts at February 21, 2007 08:14 PM