May 17, 2007
Nope. Not a typo in the title (this time). I jokingly asked in Part One of the interview with Annika which Stacy Adams would go best with a retro 1911. Damned if she didn't answer (scroll down to question 12)....
May 15, 2007
Annika (of Annika's Journal) was kind enough to let me interview her. When I first met her she was living in Cali & had never fired a firearm before. Now she's still living in Cali but she's a gun owner,...
May 14, 2007
Annika (of Annika's Journal) was kind enough to let me interview her. When I first met her she was living in Cali & had never fired a firearm before. Now she's still living in Cali but she's a gun owner,...
September 15, 2005
Granted, a monster that looks very nice in heels & generally appears un-monster-like. Then again as much as I'd like to I doubt I had that much to do with her "turning" into one of us. In any case the...
August 31, 2005
The lovely, talented & accurate Annika Oakley miss Annika has a post about her most recent range trip, which is becoming a weekly thing for her. She's coming along quite well on the path to gun nuttery. But as is...
August 14, 2005
The lovely & talented Miss Annika is well on her way to becoming a gun nut. Course considering the fine work she did at the range I should probably stop calling her "miss" :) For the pertinent stats: Sig 226...
June 02, 2005
SACRAMENTO - A death sentence was declared against all spiders at annika's house today. After discovering a large black widow spider nesting under her front door, annika declared the death sentence, which will apply indefinitely. The black widow spider was...
May 22, 2005
Hello all. Publicola had the dubious idea to invite me for a guest blog gig. Anytime you invite a woman over, be prepared for her to start changing things around. Well, i'm not going to rearrange any furniture, but i...