A spokesman said that Governor Hickenlooper will sign 3 anti-gin owner bills on Wednesday.
This is the contact form for his office email. This should be his email address: Governor.hickenlooper@state.co.us His office phone number is (303) 866-2471 This is his facebook page. This should be his Twitter account.
RMGO recommends contacting the governor's staff as well:
Roxane White - Chief of Staff
(303) 866-2471 Email: roxane.white@state.co.us
Lorez Meinhold - Senior Policy Advisor
(303) 866-5856 Email: lorez.meinhold@stat.co.us
Doug Young - Senior Policy Advisor
(303) 866-5465 Email: douglas.young@state.co.us
If you can, contact all of the above and make sure the governor knows you want him to veto all the anti gun owner bills: HB 1224 (the magazine ban) HB 1229 (the universal background check bill), HB 1228 (the background check tax), HB 1043 (changes definition of a deadly weapon to any firearm even when not being used) and any others that come across his desk.