March 20, 2013

Slippin' Into Darkness

Hickenlooper signed the magazine ban, the universal background check and the background check tax bills into law this morning. They'll become law on July 1rst.

This is a .pdf of HB13-1229, the universal background check law.

This is a .pdf of HB13-1224, the magazine ban.

This is a .pdf of HB13-1228, the background check tax.

This is a post of mine, What HB 1224 Means To You.

This is a post of mine, A Bad Check.

This is my Colorado archives page.

This is John Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute on "continuous possession"

This is John Jon Caldara of the Independence Institute on "readily convertible":

This is War:

Posted by Publicola at March 20, 2013 12:58 PM | TrackBack

I hope that Gov. Hickenlooper gets beaten up really bad next election as "the job-killer." That may resonate with voters more than gun-rights arguments.

Posted by: Chas at March 20, 2013 05:20 PM
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