April 22, 2013

Two More Slaps In The Face

The Colorado house will vote on the last two bills of the gun owner control package today.

Colorado SB 13-195 requires most training for a concealed carry permit to be conducted in person, as opposed to online. Here's a .pdf of the amended bill and it looks like it already passed. It'll go straight to the governor for a signature.

Colorado SB-197 sets up a process for confiscation of firearms by those convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to a restraining order involving domestic violence. Here's a .pdf of the amended bill. It's 29 pages and a right nasty piece of work at that, so be warned. It has been amended in the house so it'll have to go back to the senate after it passes today.

This should be a link to the Colorado Channel's streaming coverage of the house if you care to watch. Or I'll attempt to embed it here:

Updated 11:47 a.m. MDT: Nevermind watching the house for the gun bills - they've already passed. It was party line on the misdemeanor gun grab, but four republicans crossed the line on the online training bill. The training bill hits the governor's desk while the misdemeanor gun confiscation bill goes back to the senate for a final vote.

Posted by Publicola at April 22, 2013 11:41 AM | TrackBack

Massage McHenry

Posted by: Massage Woodstock at March 27, 2014 08:04 PM
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