March 11, 2013

What Happens Next

5 gun owner control bills passed the Colorado senate today. For a recap of what these bills do look here.

HB 1228, the background check tax, heads straight to the governor's desk.

SB 195, the bill that bans complete online training for carry permits, goes to the house for 3 readings plus a committee hearing.

SB 197, the "baby launterberg" bill, which sets up a process for the surrender of arms by domestic violence misdemenants and folks subject to restraining orders, goes to the house for 3 readings plus a committee hearing.

HB 1224, the magazine capacity limit bill, goes back to the house, due to amendments, for what I believe will be a simple "yes or no" vote.

HB 1229, the universal background check bill, due to amendments, for what I believe will be a simple "yes or no" vote.

No; things ain't looking great. There's still a chance to stop 4 of them in the house, and a chance to have the governor veto all 5. Not a particularly good chance, but enough to justify the effort of making a call or penning an email to the governor and/or a state representative.

If those last ditch efforts fail, then it'll be the jury box and the ballot box, in that order. It is being said that recall efforts are underway for at least 3 of the dems who voted for these bills. RMGO has a pro-gunowner dem ready to primary senator Giron. RMGO also says they'll announce a plan within the next few weeks if thes elaws are signed, but encourage everyone in the meantime to keep putting pressure on the governor and the house dems. I would also imagine that lawyers are already going over the bills and looking up precedents for the inevitable legal challenges.

Things have definitely looked better, but there's still a chance (albeit a slim one) to stop some, maybe all, of these bills.

Posted by Publicola at March 11, 2013 07:09 PM | TrackBack
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