March 30, 2007

PSA For Holly Colorado

For those of you who haven't heard a small town near the Kansas border got hit very hard by a tornado Wednesday night. The twister was 200 yards wide & touched down for about a mile. It killed one woman & - well it was pitiful from what I heard. Her 3 year old daughter (alive but hurt) was found with her in the tree they got slammed into. The mother was still alive at that point but hurt very badly & she died a little while later.

Anyway Gunny Bob Newman has set up a drive (through the American Red Cross) to provide some funds to those folks. Holly, Colorado is a town of about 800 people & the tornado really did some damage to their community so they could use all the help they can get. That link will take you to Gunny Bob's front page with the details but I'll repeat them here for your convenience:

"Holly Colorado Tornado Emergancy Fund

Gunny would like you to help the town of Holly, CO by donating to the American Red Crosses Holly, CO Tonrnado Relief Fund

# Make your check payable to: The American Red Cross
# On the Memo Line, write: Holly, CO Tornado Fund

Mail your check to:

Gunny Bob
C/O: Clear Channel Communications
4695 South Monacco St.
4th floor
Denver, CO 80237

Posted by Publicola at March 30, 2007 03:59 AM | TrackBack
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