August 27, 2006

For Those About To Smoke We Salute You

Calif. city: Secondhand smoke a nuisance.

Considering the state of California has been a nusiance to the entire country neighboring it (that'd be the u.S. of A.) I'm glad there's an easy way for those behind the lines to irritate the pitiful nannyist bastards in charge over there.

"The Dublin City Council gave preliminary approval last week to an ordinance declaring secondhand tobacco smoke a public nuisance, a move designed to make it easier for residents to take to court neighbors who puff with impunity."

I'd say that the city council is the real annoyance to the people.

We can scoff at Cali & its towns & their strange heathen/Marxist ways, but things like this have a tendency to rear their ugly heads like the hydra's they are in distant far off countries, like the u.S. of A. So yes I'll make fun of Cali & its governments both state & local. I'll half heartedly joke about the state being a suppurate seperate country. But when I stop chuckling &/or shaking my head for those poor folks who must endure such asshattedness I look at my city council & wonder what the stopwatch will read from the time they hear of this to the time they try it themselves.

If you don't smoke & fail to see what the big deal is I'll remind you that in many places smokers are more common & better liked than gun owners. Just sayin'.

Posted by Publicola at August 27, 2006 06:28 AM | TrackBack

Pity CA has the largest GDP of any state in the nation.

Say, isn't "nanny-statism" supposed to put a damper on economic strength?

Another rightwing meme goes phhhttttt.

Let's be clear; it is smokers and NRA-types who refuse to take accountability for their actions and force others to pay, via higher heathcare rates and law enforcement costs, etc., for their lack of responsibility.

Posted by: JadeGold at August 27, 2006 07:34 AM


What is with you creating a straw man with your reference to Cali's GDP? That's not the point we're making here. Shouldn't "freedom" be a more laudable index of progress than "more money"?

What does matter is that gun owners are either leaving the state or refusing to move there. And considering that the average gun owner makes $55K a year ($90K a year in California dollars) or more, that should be worrisome to the remaining Californians. Additionally, California should take responsibility for its own actions because anti-freedom initiatives usually start there then spread like pond scum to the rest of the country.

Let's turn your puerile snarkism on its head, shall we?

"Let's be clear; it is California legislators who refuse to take accountability for their actions and force others to pay, via nanny-state initiatives springing up in other states, etc., for their lack of responsibility."

Posted by: ArmedFlamingLiberal at August 27, 2006 08:26 AM

Just another load of crap from (fools)gold.

I doubt that it can point to any documented source that shows any FACTS regarding second hand smoke being dangerous.

And the FACT that - according to justice department statistics - somewhere between 500,000 and 2,500,000 people use firearms to prevent violence from being committed against their persons probably never penetrated its liberal mind-set either.

Posted by: emdfl at August 27, 2006 08:33 AM

AFL: No strawman at all. Pubs claimed CA was a "nuisance" and "nannyist" and "Marxist"--among other niceties. Typically, such pejoratives are associated with states/nations with stagnant economies that are on life support.

What does matter is that gun owners are either leaving the state or refusing to move there.

Fantastic! They can live in those economic powerhouse states like Mississippi and Alabama and send their kids to the world class universities located there.

Yes, AFL, you can reword my statements any way you wish; it just doesn't make them true.


I doubt that it can point to any documented source that shows any FACTS regarding second hand smoke being dangerous.

It's always hard to argue with low-information types like edmfl.

Have you seen the latest Surgeon General's Report on the issue?

Or the NIH's findings?

Of course, these are all commie/pinko/lib sources. Why use them when we can get the FACTS from Phillip Morris and other unbiased sources?

But note I did not mention secondhand smoke; the fact is when you get lung cancer because of your habit--everyone pays in terms of higher heath insurance costs.

Posted by: JadeGold at August 27, 2006 10:17 AM