July 21, 2005

Colorado Gunblogger Meetup, August 7th

Time for me to promote the Colorado Gunblogger Meetup I mentioned earlier. So here's the official announcement.

Meet your fellow gunbloggers and gun enthusiasts at the Tanner Gun Show, August 7th, at the Mart Pavillion at the Denver Merchandise Mart. Readers and commenters are welcome as well. The Denver Mechandise Mart is on the north side of 58th Avenue, immediately east of I-25. General directions are to take I-25 to the 58th Avenue exit, head east, and turn left up the little street that runs past the Holiday Inn. I think it's a Holiday Inn. It's Logan St. and is directly opposite a Wendy's. If you go too far east, you'll see the main entrance for the Mart exhibit hall.

We'll meet up at about 12:30, at the back of the show, where the food and tables are. I assume anyone who hasn't meet me can recognize me from that handsome photo over there at FreedomSight.

Here's a map.

If you're coming from the West, you might prefer to take I-76 to Pecos, go north to 64th, and head east, following the curve as 64th becomes Huron, and then becomes 62nd. When you get to Broadway, go south to 58th Ave, then east over I-25. That's the route I usually take.

Be there, or B-Square! Posted by Jed at July 21, 2005 05:40 PM | TrackBack
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