April 17, 2013

Pratt Behind The Lines

Here's Larry Pratt of GOA in an interview discussing the current push for gun owner control in the u.S. senate.

Here's a full segment from CNN that includes Mr. Pratt discussing the same issues with Wolf Blitzer (Pratt's interview starts around the 3:34 mark):

And here's Mr. Pratt talking with Chris Mathews:

I understand that Mr. Pratt and the GOA have not been viewed favorably by some gun owners in recent years. But in these clips Mr. Pratt was dealing directly with the enemy and he did a very good job in extremely hostile territory. Watch the clips if you get a few minutes and see for yourselves.

Posted by Publicola at April 17, 2013 02:29 PM | TrackBack

Massage McHenry

Posted by: Massage Woodstock at March 27, 2014 08:07 PM
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