March 08, 2013

Coming At You Live Again

This is a link to The Colorado Channel's general assembly page. Clicking the "senate live video" link on the page should open a new window & let you see the proceedings today in the Colorado senate. Having lived through barely survived endured most painfully watched these kinda things before, might I recommend a few things to keep handy?

A sponge. A big thick sponge. That way when you feel the urge to throw something (and you shall) you probably won't break anything too valuable.

80 quarters, unrolled. If you have a swear jar and a 1 quarter minimum you'll need all 80. Possibly more.

Beer or wine, if your drinking game revolves around the phrase "I support the 2nd amendment but..." you don't want to get too drunk too fast.

A nice liquore, such as Disaronno Originale amaretto if your drinking game revolves around the phrase " one needs.." you don't want to get too drunk too fast.

A bourbon, and by bourbon of course i mean Maker's Mark, or Knob's Creek or Woodford Reserve. This is in case your drinking game revolves around the phrase "...Right is absolute..." There won't be an occasion to drink because you actually hear that phrase on the senate floor, but you might as well sip on something tasty while waiting for hell to freeze over.

Morphine, if you can get it. The alleged "logic" - and I use that term ever so loosely - you'll hear the anti gun owners use is really that painful.

They haven't gotten to the gunowner control bills yet. They're still taking care of other senate business. But they'll be getting to that soon. Watch if you can.

(I take it back - they're starting the anti gunowner bills now)

Posted by Publicola at March 8, 2013 09:26 AM | TrackBack
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