Rushed yet again. In the extended entry I'll list a bunch of links that you may find interesting. All are concerning or related to the Virginia Tech Massacre &/or the calls for more gun control in its wake.
"Reid warns against rush on gun control"
Instapundit linkage: VT & gun control
Talkleft: Gun Control Is Not A Cure
Instapundit post on VT gun control politics
Instapundit post on "sensible restriction on 1rst amendment (satire)
Hot Air: Eisner says to use emotion to further gun control
Michelle Malkin: Wanted: A culture of self-defense
"U.S. gun laws draw heat after massacre"
Mary Katharine Ham: On Internet Condolences: Republicans Drop the Ball on Va. Tech Shootings
Of Arms & the Law: Gunman kills 21 at Virginia Tech
Clayton Cramer: What, Realistically, Can Be Done?
Of Arms & The Law: Of Octopuses and NRA
Of Arms & The Law: TN panel gets it right
Randy Barnett: A Well Regulated Militia
Eugene Volokh: What Exactly Is the Reason Not To Allow Professors To Carry Guns?
Eugene Volokh: My Favorite Comment, from the Armed Professors Thread
Eugene Volokh: Armed Police Officers at Universities
Posted by Publicola at April 19, 2007 03:35 PM | TrackBack