February 07, 2007


Since it's only a week away (Valentine's Day that is)...

The Colorado Symphony Orchestra will put on a concert called Romance of the Violin on Saturday February 10th beginning at 7:30 p.m. It will feature the works of Beethoven, Colombier, More, Ravel, & Piazolla among others. Of particular interest is that they will be performing Tchaikovsky’s Serenade in C for String Orchestra. I've mentioned before that I'm more fond of the Classical period when it comes to orchestral music, but this Serenade of Tchaikovsky’s is an exception. It's an absolutely beautiful piece of music & is one of the more appropriate pieces for such an occassion. Here's a description of it. I couldn't find any copies online except for 30 second excerpts which really don't do the work justice, so you'll have to scrounge for it yourself or if you're in the Colorado area make plans to see the CSO's performance on Saturday.

Since Valentine's Day falls on a Wednesday this year might I suggest planning two dates with your lady? One on the day itself & the other this Saturday. If she appreciates orchestral music &/or the violin I think she'll also appreciate the very romantic gesture on your part. If you live too far away to make it to this one then check with the nearest symphony orchestra as programs like this will be performed all over the country this weekend. Remember, just because you're a gun nut doesn't mean that you shouldn't show your romantic side (to your lady at least - no matter how happy you are with your friendly neighborhood FFL don't send him flowers & candy; a corsage will do :D ) & an evening with the symphony will be far more memorable than just the dinner & flowers routine.

Posted by Publicola at February 7, 2007 03:12 PM | TrackBack