"David Allen Rodgers, 42, was arrested Dec. 3 for driving while intoxicated — at the wheel of a float during the annual Christmas parade in Anderson, S.C. According to witnesses, Rodgers sped down Main Street in the Steppin' Out Dance Studio float with 19 people aboard, ran a red light and led police on a 3-mile chase."
I wonder what kind of motor was in that float? If it took the cops 3 miles to catch him it couldn't have been stock could it?
"Police said that when Rodgers finally stopped, they found an open container of alcohol in his truck. 'I made a very bad judgment on my part,' Rodgers said at a court hearing."
Ya don't say? But having lived in SC I can't say I'm surprised. I know this bar owner at the beach who is still banned from that town's Christmas parade. The details are a bit unclear but it involved him on a float with a real good buzz & little else on.
"In Ohio's Hamilton County, a pair of 18-year-olds were arrested for using screwdrivers to stab an inflatable 12-foot-tall Frosty the Snowman. "Why me?" asked Frosty's owner, Matt Williquette. 'And why Frosty?'
The snowman had survived two previous stabbing attacks." (emphasis mine)
I just can't add to that.
More tales of odd Christmas crime can be found here.
Posted by Publicola at December 24, 2006 07:14 AM | TrackBack