October 04, 2006

Stop The World

(A rather lovely tune by Extreme from their III Sides To Every Story cd.)

Rosie O'Donnel is claiming that the second amendment is not really a Right.

A semi-anonymous (just a last initial on her i.d.?) government agent is claiming warrantless searching is her Right as a government agent. Tthe whole thing lasts about 8 minutes & it's infuriating throughout most of it, but you hear them discuss the lack of a last name on her i.d. card.)

Meanwhile in Texas:

"Citing a deposition given in June by former county Medical Examiner Joye Carter, [U.S. District Judge Nancy] Atlas wrote: "Dr. Carter testified that the (Sheriff's Department's) practice of ignoring evidence that incriminated officers involved in shootings was uniform, pervasive and widespread."

I'm sure more good news will be on the way & as soon as I see der letzte Mensch I'll ask him about it.

Posted by Publicola at October 4, 2006 04:08 AM | TrackBack
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