October 10, 2005

Blogging High Power

I talked my pal over at Libercontrarian into going to a match with me. If you're unfamiliar with High Power Rifle Matches then click that link. If you just want the Libercontrarian's take on things then click that link.

& I must say I was proud of Underwhelmed. He resisted the urge to bring his poddle-shooter & used a Garand. :)

Posted by Publicola at October 10, 2005 01:42 AM | TrackBack

"Always with the negative waves, Moriary, always with the negative waves..."

Poodle-shooter my foot! Those guys that shot like lasers were all shooting ARs! Those guys must really be able to read the wind at 300 and 600 to do as well as they did with light bullets.

Anyway, I got my scorecard and I came in third from last. Third from last in a group that terrific is a great achievement!

Posted by: Libercontrarian at October 12, 2005 10:16 PM
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