Just some links to what some other gun bloggers are talking about.
Alphecca has his Weekly Check on the Bias up. & be sure to read his posts prior to that. If he didn't do the Weekly Check he'd still be worth reading every time he posts.
End The War On Freedom has a couple of decent things to check out. One is a new S&W revolver chambered for the .460 S&W Magnum (which also takes .454 Cassul & 45. Colt cartridges). Another discusses the M14 in 7.62x51 being used as much as possible by some of our troops instead of the 5.56x45 cartridge firing M16. Courde I still say if you're ever about to be over-run by a horde of communist groundhogs the M16Awhatever would be just the ticket. Any heavier than that though & I'd opt for a more potent cartridge in a more reliable firing platform - like a Garand perhaps.
He also points to a JPFO article about the BATF harrasment of yet another gun owner as well as a court smacking the wrist of the IRSS. (No Quarters has more on this). Friggin revenuers. The lot of them should be put in the stocks.
GunBlast.com has pics from this year's SHOT show.
Geek With A .45 poses a very interesting question.
Les Jones has a frightful question to ponder as well as having his Gun Links up (#31).
Wadcutter has a nice little series going on the function of different autoloading systems.
Check these folks out as well as the other fine blogs on the blogroll.
Posted by Publicola at January 31, 2005 07:50 AM Since you brought up the 5.56 vs. 7.62, I must ask, have you seen the pictures of the marine who took 7 hits from a .311 caliber rifle at close range and was able to walk (with some assistance). If an enemy soldier took 7 hits from our poodle shootin' varmint rifle and limped away, the champions of the .30'd be screamin' about it until Babs Boxer joins the G.O.A..
As I've said, I'm all for upgrading our service cartridge and/or rifle, but not with anything firing a M-80Ball projectile and certainly nothing firing a glorified submachinegun round, such as the M-43 7.62x39 Soviet cartridge.
For lighter loads, it will shoot .454 Cassul ... lighter? Sheeeeee-it.
I remember when shooting a few cylinders of .44 Magnum would make the .357 seem downright pleasant. Nice to know we now have similar cartridges relative to the .44 Mag.
Posted by: jed at January 31, 2005 07:10 PMJasen,
Yeppers I saw it. & if someone was decrying the 5.56 because of hits to a limb then I wouldn't say they were spot on.
However from what I understand the hits were from a 7.62x39 - not exactly a high powered round - & they were all in the leg. If they were all torso shots & it wasn't just an isolated incident then I'd start to question my damn self.
But the 5.56 seems to not stop people adequately when multiple torso hits are employed. I haven't seen anything about anyone not recontemplating their goals when hit by a .30+ bullet - even a 7.62x39.
(identity proving statement) I doubt anyone would be limping away after taking hits from a Garand. :)
I have a post up about arming a squad. I'd be interested in any thoughts you have on my choices.
For the record, I'd settle for going back to the 7.62x51, but I wouldn't be happy if the cartridge didn't rhyme with dirty sought pics. :D
Posted by: Publicola at February 1, 2005 06:21 AM