May 04, 2004

Help Needed in Ohio

I found something disturbing over at Alphecca:

According to Ohioans For Concealed Carry two newspapers have started to publish the names of concealed carry permit holders in two Ohio counties.

The newspapers in question are the the Warren Tribune Chronicle & the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram. They've been publishing the names of permit holders in Trumbull & Lorain counties respectively. At least according to Ohioans For Concealed Carry. I haven't been able to find the lists in question on either of the papers websites, but they could have merely published them in the print version.

Here's where I need your help:

If you are in or around Ohio & can send me confirmation that either of the papers have in fact published the names of concealed permit holders I would much appreciate it.

Also if you have any legally obtained information regarding anyone who works for either newspaper please send it to me.

The reason being is I (& possibly others) intend to publish any & all legally obtainable information about anyone who works at any newspaper who publishes such a list. But I want to make sure they have in fact published a list of concealed carry permit holders names before I do so.

I do not agree with concealed carry permit laws as they treat what should be regarded as a Right as a privilige. But it is wrong to disrespect the privacy of those who felt compelled to obtain a permit.

Here's the contact page for the Warren Tribune Chronicle.

240 Franklin St. S.E. Warren, Ohio 44482
(330)841.1600 (local) or (888)550.TRIB (toll-free)

Here's some contact info for the staff:

Publisher: Charles Jarvis (330)841.1660

General Manager: Len Blose (330)841.1670

Editor: Frank Robinson (330)841.1600 ext. 735

Here's the contact page for the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram.

The Chronicle-Telegram
P.O. Box 4010
225 East Avenue
Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 329-7000 or call The C-T toll free within Ohio at (800) 848-6397

& some contact info for some of its staff:

Editor: Andrew Young (440)329-7111

Managing editor: Patti Ewald (440)329-7126

News Editor: Dan Shortridge (440)329-7247

E-mail me at if you can provide any more details either about the staff or the accuracy of the claims made against the papers.

Posted by Publicola at May 4, 2004 01:49 PM
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